Right now, millions of websites and website owners are busy jockeying for position in the results displayed by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines around the world. Every one of them has the same goal: Getting the top slot for as many queries as possible. Of course, only a select few will succeed, while the rest will blow vast amounts of cash in return for very meager results. Why wait for SEO when you can purchase traffic.
GrowStats offers a better solution than fighting the SEO fight. With GrowStats, customers can purchase web traffic and immediately send tens of thousands of targeted visitors to their website. There’s no waiting necessary. Within a few days, unique visitors will skyrocket, and thousands of potential customers will be exposed to your site. So why wait around for your SEO efforts to kick in, when you can buy valuable traffic right now? For more on why it’s better to purchase traffic than rely on SEO, read on.
SEO Is a Long-Term Gamble
SEO takes a long time, it’s costly, and it does not guarantee results. Companies spend thousands on expensive SEO consultants, SEO software packages, and link-building farms. And in return, they usually see only a meager increase in sales that don’t even recoup their expenses on SEO. Now, for the winners, SEO offers an enormous reward. But for the losers, it’s simply a drain of time and money that could be better spent elsewhere. Are you willing to bet your business on the success of your SEO campaign, or would you rather take a more secure approach?
Buying Traffic Works, and it Works Now
Traffic for sale has major advantages that SEO can never match. SEO takes months to kick in, at least, and in the meantime, businesses can be burning cash without creating many new sales. SEO can’t guarantee a certain number of customers; in fact, it can hardly make any guarantees whatsoever, since the competition for valuable keywords is so deep and so fierce.
But when you purchase website traffic from a site like GrowStats, you know your website will be seeing major spikes in visitors right away. Companies can get thousands of new visitors, literally overnight. And that influx can quickly turn a new company, or a struggling company, into a company that’s only struggling to fill all the orders that are pouring in.
Traffic for Sale Is Passive SEO
Popular websites don’t have to worry about SEO efforts. They don’t need expensive consultants, or three-day conferences explaining the ins and outs of the field. Popular websites let bloggers and customers build their backlinks for them because those people are already talking about them on the web. When your website gets a lot of hits—for instance, after you purchase web traffic from us—the number of people who know about your site, and link to it from theirs, will explode. The result will be a huge network of backlinks that buoy your Google rankings and get you even more sales. That’s why GrowStats is a great investment now, and in the long run, too.